Hey! We are the Wheats.

We are a husband and wife team who have a small woodworking business based out of Knoxville, TN. After many years of touring in the music industry and traveling every week we decided to take back time as a family. We began to dream and pray about what that would look like in our lives. The more we prayed the more we recognized our love of crafting handmade items and so Poplar and Ash Design was born.

It’s not coincidence that the name Poplar and Ash Design also happens to be the same initials as our beautiful, crazy kids: Porter, Andi, and Deacon. These three are our why and reason behind starting this business. As the years go by we have seen the importance of carving time for family and being present in their lives.

Each item that we create is one of a kind and custom made. The heartbeat behind our business is to first honor the Lord in each and every piece we make and to present our customers with an item that cultivates joy. Our hope is that it is used for years to come.